How do I Unblock someone on Facebook, Unblock Facebook user

How do I Unblock someone on Facebook? Unblock Facebook user

Facebook is a well known social media platforms which are used to pass information from one person to another also used to send or upload videos and pictures to loved ones and share on the timeline to be viewed by other Facebook users.

Due to the fact that it is not only English speaking country that is using Facebook, the management had to increase the Facebook language to 37 different languages where one can now select the language is best known to him or her. And also face has installed many security measures to avoid scammers, cyberstalking, and privacy intrusion.

The Facebook users can make all his conversation public and can still make it private if he or she did it fit. Facebook has the ability to Unblock Facebook user who has been reported for any reason be it a fake id or talking to a friend abusively.

If you Unblock Facebook user on Facebook and maybe after sometimes you settled your dispute with each other and you want to Unblock the person you can still do it just follow the steps below.

How to Unblock Facebook user

Below are the steps to Unblock a friend who has been previously blocked on Facebook.

  1. The Facebook user is to login into your account at
  2. At the right-hand corner, you will see a quick help on the home page click on it.
  3. Go down and click on privacy shortcut.
  4. Click on how to stop someone from bothering me.
  5. Tap on view all blocked users which are located at the bottom of the search box.
  6. You will see the list of all blocked users then you will select the person you want to Unblock and click on it and
  7. You will get a message asking you if you are sure to Unblock the user. Then you confirm it.

After this steps then you send a friend request to the person you previously blocked and that is it.

Recommended: Read How can I Unblock Facebook account

Now you can Unblock Facebook user and continue your chat with him or her.